The world’s first truly scalable Digital Contact Tracing solution.
Simply issue KOMMTRACE Tags to provide rapid, accurate contact tracing and protection to a 100% of the population.
We need to find a way to open up and go back to work, without being forced into another lockdown.
Large-scale testing is vital to quickly detect, isolate and treat those affected.
Countries are spending millions of dollars every day, but are unable to contain the virus.
When only ~5% of tests come back positive, are we testing the wrong people?
The money would be better spent by targeting the testing candidates more accurately.
Contact Tracing Apps have failed in country after country.
A majority of the world’s population still uses a feature phone, a Smartphone App could never be the solution.
Manual Contact Tracing is:
Just like a mask, you wear the KOMMTRACE Tag whenever you go out of the house and take it off when you come home; the tag can be sanitized, too.
Once switched ON, the KOMMTRACE Tag works for up to 3 years without ever needing to be charged or switched ON/OFF.
The KOMMTRACE Tag works perfectly everywhere — in rural and urban areas, and requires no additional infrastructure.
Manual Contact Tracing can never find the people you may have come in contact with, but don’t personally know.
For example, if you left home this week to go to a store, the bank, or out for lunch, could you recall each person on the bus, in the bank queue, or even at the next table during lunch?
If your answer is “no”, you know why Manual Contact Tracing desperately needs an upgrade.
Each KOMMTRACE Tag has an anonymous ID. When two Tags are in close proximity, they store each others' IDs.
Engineered for privacy; all information is stored on the KOMMTRACE Tag and not sent anywhere. There is no capability to record any personal or location data.
When someone tests positive, the authorities will request for the KOMMTRACE Tag and retrieve the stored IDs.
The KOMMTRACE system would automatically inform all potential contacts via SMS to watch out for symptoms, to self-isolate, or to come in for testing.
When COVID-19 is detected early and treated aggressively, the prognosis is significantly better.
KOMMTRACE can save lives, reduce the cost of treatment, keep the medical system from being overwhelmed and get us back to work!